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05.06.2023 Canada-Eurasia Chamber of Commerce

Canada-Eurasia Chamber of Commerce Cooperation

NEBA and the Canada-Eurasia Chamber of Commerce (CECC) have agreed on cooperation between the two organizations. 

The Canada-Eurasia Chamber of Commerce was formerly known as CERBA, the Canadian Eurasian Russian Business Association, but has since changed its name because of the war in Ukraine. The CECC is an independent non-profit organization that promotes bilateral trade and investment between Canada and Eurasia. CECC is a membership-based association that represents over 100 corporations and individuals. With its network of nine chapters, CECC supports its membership’s business development with international conferences and seminars, B2B meetings, trade missions, and market intelligence. It also acts as an advocate for business to governments of Canada and Eurasia.

The CECC’s Tatiana Domilovskaya, the  Regional Director of the Vancouver Chapter of CECC, has already had a working relationship with CanCham. As both organizations have experienced significant challenges and changes, we feel that CECC/NEBA cooperation can only benefit both parties.  

For NEBA members, this will give access to the programs promoted by CECC and introductions to CECC members particularly in western Canada, and internationally where they are active, while the CECC can benefit from NEBA programs.

NEBA welcomes cooperation with the Canada-Eurasia Chamber of Commerce.
